Mission & Vision

Mission statement

We create an avenue that accepts, embraces, encourages, motivates, and understands individuals who are on the spectrum and or have developmental delays. We have trained ABA staff that has experience with individuals on the spectrum that provides redirection, reinforcement, and motivating tactics to help shape our participant's abilities.

Vision statement

Our ultimate goal is to be a helpful tool for each participant's development, whether with our sports or social skill program. We meet each participant where they currently are and help them develop at their own pace.

We strive to bring better understanding and positive awareness about individuals on the spectrum.  As we bring joy and happiness to our participants' lives It is equally important to us to bring that same joy and happiness to our parents/guardians as well.

Parents have sleepless nights and concerns about wanting their children to have the average neurotypical life. We know that it typically takes more patience, time, and understanding when working with those who are non-neurotypical. However, they’re just as intelligent, athletic, talented, and deserving. We wanted to create and bring a platform to help put their qualities on the map and show even at their own pace, they're still highly capable of breaking barriers placed on them.

About Us

Jasmyne Randolph

Mission and Vision Statement


Contact Us

(909) 731-9950

[email protected]

P.O. Box 257
Fontana, CA 92334